Wimbourne & Buckland Street
Hackney Council launched an initiative to build more than 400 new homes on empty or underused Council-owned sites across the borough and in 2017 BBUK was part of the winning bid led by Mikhail Riches to redevelop two of their infill housing sites at Wimbourne and Buckland Street.
At both locations, it was agreed at an early stage to enlarge the site boundaries shown on the competition brief in order that the existing local residents in surrounding developments will be able to benefit from the new landscaped areas. At Wimbourne Street our landscaping proposed an entrance courtyard to the new building and a large play area set in lawns with extensive SUDs rain gardens. Buckland Street has three villas replacing underused lock-up garages and features new gardens each with a slightly different landscape character, connecting the new homes with a multi-use games area and the wider community.