North London Hospice
Winner: Civic Trust Award 2012
Winner: Civic Trust Award: Special Award for Sustainability
Winner: New London Architecture: Best Healthcare Building
Winner: RIBA National Award
Winner: WAN Healthcare Award
Winner: Better Healthcare: Grand Prix Award
Winner: Better Healthcare: Award Highly Commended
BBUK created two courtyard gardens for a new day centre hospice by AHMM in Enfield. Both courtyards are paved with handmade brick pavers that closely match the material of the building.
The southern courtyard has a brick clad, raised pond in its centre, with a higher reflective pool that spills into the lower planted area. Slate copings chosen to match the building’s window frames, are set at a height to provide informal seating. Square beds are planted with blue and white flowering shrubs and perennials.
The northern courtyard is more public, connecting the Hospice café with the street. Groves of large flowering shrubs provide some privacy to the garden and building users without entirely blocking views into or from the building.